Meadow Run Grist Mill, Monticello, Virginia

This summer, we headed to Virginia to visit Monticello. We really enjoyed friends, family and good food. After eating at one of the local restaurants we found a really nice water wheel next door, so I took a few pictures of it. The inside was really nice but I didn't manage to take any pictures of it. After leaving I wish I had. Oh well, the outside pictures are really great!
A little history about this water wheel: Meadow Run Mill is part of the Michie Tavern (circa 1784) complex, moved, and reconstructed, the Meadow Run Mill, once located at Laurel Hill, Virginia.
Plans for the mill were drawn up in 1764, and construction began in 1770, but the mill structure was not completed until after the American Revolution. The mill operated until 1958. In 1974, the Meadow Run Mill was purchased and moved to this site by owners of Michie Tavern (circa1784). The addition to the left of the first floor stone foundation is a gift shop.
The mill has one of the best examples of a complete cast iron I-X-L Overshoot Water Wheels. The predates the year 1902 before the company's name was changed to the Fitz Water Wheel Company. The wheel is turned by artificial means having no natural flow of water on this site. Behind the water wheel in the wheel pit, is a device that is very much similar to the workings inside of a toilet tank. A float moves up and down in a shallow pool of water below the wheel. It allows the rising water to exit down through a value into a recirculation pump that carries the water to the top of the sluice box at the right just out of the picture.
If you ever visit Monticello definitely visit the Tavern here. They have a great dinner!